USER NOTE FOR TNE GAUSSGUN DESIGN WORKSHEET 1.0 GENERAL This worksheet was written in QuattroPro 5.0(tm) at 1024x764 resolution and TrueType font set from Corel Draw 3.0(tm). Please take this into consideration when encountering 'oddities' in the displayed format. ORGANIZATION The worksheet is divided into three pages: SUMMARY: This is the final output of your design. The formatted output is for immediate viewing or printing while the portion listed under the PARADOX(tm) title is for input into a database. GAUSS_GUN: This is divided into three regions. The area shown in green are a user input design parameters. Immediate to the right of this are some codes required for the design parameters. Still further right are book keeping calculations used by the worksheet to compute performance. Please note that some of the description to the right of the codes and user input space will change to point out restrictions or limitations. Refer to FF&S for more in depth discussion on these restrictions. TABLES: This page contains the tables from FF&S that are required to design the Gauss Gun. The values can be changed to reflect user preferance. I have substituted my own values for LASER SIGHT so the original FF&S value should be re-entered for TNE designs. Original Design based on Fusion Fire and Steel from Games Designer Workshop by Edward Fok. First Uploaded to TML ftp site on 8/13/1994 by Edward Fok (